Spanish Omelette

Spanish Omelette

A spicy breakfast favorite!

Prep time: 10

Total time: 40

Skill level: Easy

What You'll Need


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. In an oven-proof frying pan, sauté peppers, mushrooms, and onions until el dente.
3. In a separate bowl whisk eggs until smooth and add ¼ of the cheese.
4. Preheat oven-proof pan on medium/high heat on the stovetop and add oil. Make sure the entire surface of the pan is well-oiled including the sides.
5. Mix eggs again just before pouring them into the pan.
6. Add potatoes, mushrooms, onions, and then cheese on top of the eggs and spread evenly.
7. Place tomatoes on top of the cheese in your own design.
8. Cook on stovetop for approx 5 minutes and then place in oven to continue cooking.
9. After 5 minutes in the oven, turn the broiler on high and leave the pan on the middle rack to continue cooking so as to nicely brown the tomatoes and cheese.
10. Remove and place on a cutting board once the eggs have cooked and have a nice crust
11. Remove from oven and gently place on a cutting board to cool. 


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